
Maitreyas Budskap

Boken Messages from Maitreya The Christ inneholder 140 budskap fra Maitreya overført telepatisk til Benjamin Creme, gitt i tidsrommet 1978-1982. Denne prosessen, som består av mental overskygging, er ikke det samme som mediumisme eller kanalisering.

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Message No. 3Messages from Maitreya

Message_No. 4

Message No. 6

Message No. 8

Message No. 10

Message No. 12

Message No. 47

Message No. 51

Message No. 67

Message No. 74

Message No. 103

Message No. 131

Maitreya's Message 23 september 1998


Message No. 3

Good evening, My dear friends. I am happy to be able to speak to you once more, and to tell you that I come to take you with Me into the New Country---- the Country of Love, the Country of Trust, of Beauty and Freedom. I shall take you there if you can follow Me, accept Me, let Me lead and guide. And, if this be so, together we shall build a New World: A world in which men can live without fear, without mistrust, without division; sharing together the Earth’s bounty, knowing together the bliss of union with our Source. All this can be yours. You have only to take the first steps and I may lead. Allow Me to help you. Allow Me to show you the way ---- forward, into a simpler life where no man lacks; where no two days are alike; where the joy of Brotherhood manifests through all men.

Mine is the task to lead and guide, but you, willingly, must follow. Otherwise, I can do nothing. My hands are tied by Law. The decision rests with mankind. May the Divine Light and Love and Power of the One God be now manifest within your hearts and minds. May this manifestation lead you to seek and to find That which dwells ever within you. Identify with That and know God.

Message No. 4

My dear friends, I am pleased indeed to be able to speak to you once more in this fashion. Many await My Coming with reverence and also with some fear. This is inevitable. My Coming will mean the end of the old order of things. All that is useless, no longer serving the purposes of man, can now be discarded. This will cause many to grieve but so it must be. My friends, My children, I am here to show you that there exists for man a most marvelous future. Decked in all the colours of the rainbow, glowing with the Light of God, man, one day, will stand upright in his divinity. This I promise you. I am a simple Man, and simply I make My Appeal to you: Trust Me, follow Me, let Me take you into the future time, on the basis of Love, on the basis of Sharing, on the basis of Brotherhood. Let Me show you the way into that state of simple interdependence, of justice, correct alignment with your Source and your brothers. Many will heed Me, but not all. Nevertheless, My Army of Light will surely triumph. Many will see Me soon and know Me not. Many will see Me soon and recognise Me. They are My people. Be you one of them. My heart flows with Love for you all. May the Divine Light and Love and Power of the One God be now manifest within your hearts and minds. May this manifestation lead you to seek and to know that Self which is God.

Message No. 6

Good evening, My dear friends. Once again, I have the pleasure of speaking to you in this way. Very little time indeed now separates Me from you, in full vision. Mankind will see Me very soon. And, if they follow Me, I shall lead them forward into the future which awaits them: a future bathed in the light of Truth, of Harmony, and Love. My friends, I would ask you to help Me, to take upon yourselves a share of the burden of preparation. If you can accept that I am here, make known this fact wherever you find a listener. It may be that you will see Me without knowing Me. It may be that you will walk the other way. But, if this be so, you will forfeit a treasure unlike that which you might build in a thousand lifetimes. Make it your task to tell men that I am here, that I am working for them, for their future, for the future of all men and all things in the world. Make known My Presence among you, and be delivered of all that is useless in the past. Make known My Presence, and be assured that My Love will flow through you and light a path before you for your brothers and sisters. Do this work and help them and Me. My task is but beginning. When completed, I shall look back on this time as one of kindling Light in the hearts of the few who sought to serve their brothers. May you be one of them. My heartfelt Love flows to you all. May the Divine Light and Love and Power of the One God be now manifest within your hearts and minds. May this manifestation lead you to seek That which lies hidden but ever ready to shine forth. Find That and know God.

Message No. 8

Once more I have the pleasure of speaking to you in this way. My intention is to reveal Myself ’ere long, to send My Teaching into the world through My people, those who know Me, who love Me, and through whom I work. This is the first phase of My Plan. Then will follow Myself in full vision, known and recognised or not. When the world is ready to receive Me, I shall speak to men everywhere as the One Who is awaited, the One they have called, the One Who comes to lead them into the New Age. My Mission is but beginning, yet, already, there are the signs of response, of recognition that My Advent is nigh. Many there are now, throughout the world, who feel My Presence, who stand open and ready for My Teaching. When I make Myself known, I shall express the hope of all mankind for a new life, a new start, a readiness to change direction; to see the construction of a New World in which men can live in peace; can live free from fear of themselves or their brothers; free to create from the joy in their hearts; free to be themselves, in simple honesty. My task is but beginning, but even now there exists in men’s hearts a new light, a new hope, a sense of a new beginning; a realisation that man is not alone, that the Protector of All has sent His Agent.

It is That which I am. May the Blessings of Him be upon you all.

May the Divine Light and Love and Power of the One God, Protector of All, be now manifest within your hearts and minds. May this manifestation lead you to know that you are never without the close Presence and Guidance of God. 

Message No. 10

I am among you once more, My dear friends. I come to tell you that you will see Me very soon, each in his own way. Those who look for Me in terms of My Beloved Disciple, the Master Jesus, will find His qualities in Me. Those who look for Me as a Teacher are nearer the mark, for that is what I am. Those who search for signs will find them, but My method of manifestation is more simple. Nothing separates you from Me, and soon many will realise this. I am with you and in you. I seek to express That which I am through you; for this I come. Many will follow Me and see Me as their Guide. Many will know Me not. My aim is to enter into the life of all men and, through them, change that life. Be ready to see Me soon. Be ready to hear My words, to follow My thoughts, to heed My Plea. I am the Stranger at the Gate. I am the One Who knocks. I am the One Who will not go away. I am your Friend. I am your Hope. I am your Shield. I am your Love. I am All in All. Take Me into yourselves, and let Me work through you. Make Me part of yourselves, and show Me to the world. Allow Me to manifest through you, and know God. May the Divine Light and Love and Power of the One and Holy God be now manifest within your hearts and minds. May this manifestation lead you to know that God dwells silently, now and forever, within you all.


Message No. 12

My dear friends, I am happy to be with you once more, and to reveal to you My thoughts on man’s problem. Man’s problem today, as always, is of his own making; it is not inherent in the Plan of God. By the misuse of his divine freewill, man has placed his future, and that of all the kingdoms, in jeopardy. Many today are beginning to realise this and are taking such steps as they can to avert catastrophe. This is good. But not all men see the danger which faces mankind in increasing potency. Time is short indeed for the reconstruction of our world along lines more befitting man’s true role and purpose. My task is to show you the way, outline the possibilities only, for by man himself must the New World be forged. There are many today who admit the necessity for change, but still resist it. There are many today who see the crumbling of the old and outworn world of the past, but cling to the old forms. But there is a new voice being heard among the nations: the voice of Truth, which contains the hope, the promise, of the New Time. This voice will increasingly make its impress on the minds of men, for it is the voice of God, speaking through men. My Masters are with you and will show you the way; I Myself will lead. Can it be that you will renounce this guidance, this opportunity to rise and progress? No, My friends, I think not. I shall show you that the way for man is the way of brotherhood, close co-operation and mutual trust and service. This is the only way. All else has failed. My friends, unless man can do this, man on this Earth will cease to be. I threaten not, but simply state the truth. There is but little time left to restore the balance of nature and the world. Make it your primary task to release to all men the wherewithal to exist in human dignity, as sons of God, brothers all. Make over, in trust for all men, the produce of the world to the nations of the world. Do this today as free men, and reap the glory tomorrow as true sons of God. May the Divine Light and Love and Power of the One Most Holy God fall now upon your hearts and minds. May this Light, Love and Power show you to yourselves as very God.

Message No. 47

My dear friends, once again I am with you and happy I am to be so.

Many are the ways in which you may recognise Me. Look for Me, My friends as a Teacher of men outlining the possibilities for the New Time. Remember that I am a Man among men as well as a true Son of God. My Masters, too, are simple Men and come to live among you as such. Nothing seperates Us from you; we shall live and work among you as Brothers. Remember this and look not for Gods.

My Teachings will be simple indeed, will show you the way to God through Love and service to man. My plans are proceeding well and soon My face will become known to you. May it be that you will allow Me to guide you into the future.

Very many now awaits my Presence. Throughout the world men stand ready and poised for my Appearance, knowingly or not. When enough are so prepared, My Teaching will penetrate their hearts and in Joy and Love will they follow me. My heart knows this and makes light My Task.

May you be among the first of those who draw around Me, through whom I may work and who in this way can best serve their brothers. My love for you knows no end.

May the Divine Light and Love and Power of the One Most Holy God be now manifest within your hearts and minds. May this manifestation lead you to be enlightened from your own True Self.

Message no. 51

My dear friends, I am with you once more.

My Mission, as I have said is twofold: to release you from the bondage of your self imposed limitations, and to take you with Me back to God. I shall show you that through the right distribution of this Earth's manifold resources, all men may enjoy God's bounty. I shall show you, too, that the Path to God is simple indeed, that your divine Spark will become manifest through Me.

Let Me do this work for you, My friends. Let Me lead you into your divine heritage. I shall show you wonders of which you cannot dream. I shall release from you the blindfold of ignorance. I shall drive from this earth forever the curse of hatred, the sin of separation. Let Me take you with Me, My friends, back to your Source, back to the cradle of your being, and release in you your Godhead.

My Masters will serve you, too, will teach you to live together in true brotherhood, in justice and harmony. Forget not that you are One, that the Father of All has created you in His divine image, that through you shines the same blessed light of Love and Truth.

The time is coming, My friends, when the Light of Truth shall shine all around you, when man shall take his brother to his heart and know him as himself.

Let Me lead you, My friends, into that blessed state. Say yes to My Advent. Say yea to My Coming, and be enfolded in the blessing of My Love.

May the Divine Light and Love and Power of The One Most Holy God be now manifest within your hearts and minds. May this manifestation lead you to see yourselves, together, as children of the One Father.

Message No. 67

My dear friends, once again I have the pleasure of speaking to you in this way.

My pleasure is doubled in that I see among you so many in whom the Light of Truth shines forth. Great is the joy which this affords Me.

My friends, My brothers and sisters, all proceeds to plan. Today there is in thsi world the fulfilment of the Prophecies of Old. My Presence is a fact. My Love abounds. My Creative Will plans your future glory. The tendency today is to reject that which is simple, to cling to the complex, the erudite and vague; but all that pertain to truth will be found to be simple indeed. Thus am I a simple man. When you see Me you will know this, and smilingly take Me as your brother.

Many there are who fear My Advent. the guilt of ages sits upon their shoulders and they trust not. My friends, through Me shall be created the Era of Trust, the removal of guilt, the Citadel of Love.

In awe do men await Me. My friends I am not God. As your brother, your Friend , Your Teacher, do I come. Forget this not.

My plans unfold, My way is being cleared. There are growing around Me now those who recognise Me as the spirit of the New Time. They give Me their trust and allegiance, and I speak for them. When you see Me, My friends and brothers, you too, can join this band of workers, this Company of Light, and make manifest the God within. The time has come for sight and sound of Truth. I answer the call. My Mission will restore to Men the vision of God. Take your place at My side and let Me show you that vision.

May the Divine Light and Love and Power of the One Most Holy God fall now upon the hearts and minds of all. Through this manifestation may you come quickly to My side.

Message No 74

Good evening, My dear friends.

I have come once more to tell you that My Mission proceeds as planned. Naught hinders the progress of this Holy Work, and soon, for yourselves, you will see the fruits of My efforts. The time has come to begin the process of change, to transform the life of men in such a way that the God in man shines forth. This my friends, is not difficult of accomplishment for within you all sits such a Divine Being. My task is to evoke from you that Shining Light, and take you to Its source.

My Masters work also in their various centres and through them proceeds the Plan. My work is to organise the Plan in such a way that the  least cleavage results. Much that is loved must go. Cling not to the old forms. Much will depend on man's ability to renounce these outworn structures and to create a new and simpler world. Remember this. Forget not that I come to change all things.

My coming brings peace. Likewise, My Presence brings cleavage. My Sword, that Love which I am, Will seperate all men, will show the true from the false, will clear the way for the New Light which I bring.

May it be that you can withstand this change and accept My Light.

Many times before have I told You that My Appearance is nigh. Look the carefully, My friends, and miss Me not. My Blessing goes with you all.

May the Divine Light and Love and Power of The One Most Holy God be now manifest within your hearts and minds. My this manifestation lead you quickly to hearken to My call.

Message No.103

My dear friends, it is with pleasure that I speak to you again in this way.

My thruth is beginning to condition mens's lives. Despite appearances all proceeds to plan, and I, Maitreya, am not disheartened. Many are the changes, subtle and gross, which are being forged by My Presence. Much that is harmful to man is being destroyed. Much of good blossoms in its stead. Know this to be so and fear not.

When you see Me, you will know that I have come to teach you a knowledge which in part you know. All men everywhere have heard the truth of Brotherhood. They know that Love and Justice are basic to life. Nevertheless, My friends, naught but chaos reigns, and Justice is hard to find.

My Presence will evoke from men the capacity for Joy, for Just Sharing and Love. For this am I here. Know this to be so and fear not.

My Presence evokes in man a new sense of wonder. Looking within and around him, men senses vistas of knowledge of which he cannot dream; of Wisdom to which he can but aspire; the expression of Love which he knows to be his own. Know this to be so and have no fear.

My aim is to teach you the truth of God and of yourselves; to outline for you a path to the future which is the Way to God; To create with you the shining Temple of Truth; to live among you in the City of Love; To work with you for the Plan of God.

My Emergence proceeds. Soon your brothers in My centre will know that among them lives a simple Man of God, A Brother among brothers; a Spokesman for them; to place before the nations the needs for all men for a world at peace, for Just Sharing of resources, for laughter and Joy, for the creation of a New World on the Pattern of God.

May the Divine Light and Love and Power of the One Most Holy God be now manifest within you hearts and minds. May this manifestation lead you to see and to know My Presence in your midst.

Message No.131

My dear friends, it is indeed a pleasure to be among you once more in this fashion, and to tell you of the progress of My Emergence.

In the days ahead, you will see Me as I am. Look for Me, My friends, as a simple man among men, recording for this time the hope and fears of men. I come to show you, My friends that the age of cleavage ends, the time of division is passing. From now, My friends and brothers, you will witness a leavening of the climate of the world: a sweeter atmosphere of hope will enter the affairs of men, a new call for Justice will sound forth from all quarters, and in the midst of that clamour you will find Me.

I shall sustain all who call for Peace, for Justice and brotherly Love. I shall call to My side all who Love their brothers. From all parties and all nations they will come, gathering around Me. I shall fill their hearts with hope and Love, and in mounting numbers they shall conquer the world. This process has begun. Already the voices of the people are being heard. Louder and louder they cry for Justice, for Peace for all time. A renewed hope seizes mankind. and this gladdens My heart.

You will se Me so soon now that, for the present there is but one action to undertake. Make known, with all the power of will and mind, My Presence in the world. Make known my Friends that you belive that the Son of Man walks again, that the Conveyor of God's Law is among you, that the Light of Truth beckons anew the hearts of men, that the transition into the New Age shall be, by far smoother than supposed, that My Law shall flourish, that The Emergence is under way. Tell your brothers, My friends, these truths, and bring them into your joy.

Look for me soon, My friends, listen to my words, remember my promise: I shall take all who are ready before the Throne of God. My blessings go with you all.

May the divine Light and Love and Power of The One Most Holy God be now manifest within your hearts and minds. May this manifestation lead you to stand firmly at your Brother's side.

Maitreya's Message 23 september 1998

My dear friends, I am closer to you than you can possibly imagine; Nothing, nothing separates you from Me. Soon now, very soon now, all shall see Me and know Me as their brother and friend; it is as such that I come; to teach you, to inspire you, to lead you if you will have Me, into a future such as no man can imagine, so great are the wonders which await your astonished gaze. Be patient, My friends, for yet a little while and relish my coming. My blessings go to you all.

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